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Kirk Kislingbury - June Employee of the Month

Updated: Aug 8, 2018

What is the best part about your job?

Being empowered to make decisions knowing that my boss and the company will always support me.

If you could pick a superpower, what would you choose?

Pediatric Healing. Too many children in the world suffer from incurable diseases.

What is your favorite memory working at Klarratee?

My interview with my boss. I loved working for my old boss at CA, and when she offered the opportunity to move over to Klarratee I was a little skeptical because I really didn’t know much about what Klarratee was, the work I would be doing or what my new boss would be like. After a 90 minute interview, there was no question about my decision. And there is still no question today. It’s been wonderful working for Laurel.

Where and what can we find you doing outside of work?

Spending time with my wife and young kids. Each day is better than the last.

Imagine you could step in a teleport for a day and go to any place and time in history. Where and when would you travel to?

I would like to witness the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and see the faces of so many slaves that became free on that day.

Where would your dream vacation be?

I’m a big car guy. I would love to see the Corvette Museum and the Buick Automotive Gallery. Really anything related to automotive history.


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